Physical Education Information
Grades K-2: -Kindergarten students should WEAR tennis shoes to school & may change after PE/Music into other shoes. -Classes are 30 min. and 1st and 2nd students need to wear or bring tennis shoes to school every day.
Grades 3-4. -Classes on Wed. are 30 min. and P.E. Schedule are 60 min. on noted days. -Schedule may change on a week that is not 5 days and will be announced ahead. -All students should bring tennis shoes after a weather-related early or late start or snow day
Physical Education Daily Schedule 8:30 4th Grade: Berndt/1/2 Hanson (Hour class on Monday and Thursday and split on Wed.) 9:00 4th Grade: Buringa/1/2 Hanson (Hour class on Tuesday and Friday and split on Wed.) 9:30 Kindergarten: Mrs. O’Duggan 10:00 Kindergarten: Mrs. Pilger 10:30 2nd Grade: Mrs. Heftman 11:00 2nd Grade: Mrs. Schulz 11:30-1:00 Prep/Lunch 1:00 1st Grade: Mrs Kittleson 1:30 1st Grade: Mrs. Weaver 2:00 3rd Grade: Mr. Schmaltz 2:30 3rd Grade: Mrs. Daley |