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Welcome to the Exploratorium's Digital Library. The different collections in the library include digital media and digitized museum materials related to interactive exhibits and scientific phenomena, including images, educational activities in PDF and html formats, QuickTime movies, streaming media, and audio files. You may search, select and download digital files for individual, noncommercial educational use.
Scientific America
Looking for more information? Links on each slideshow page lead to related articles on the topic. Categories of slideshows include: Health, Space, Technology, Environment, Energy, Physics, Math, and History of Science, among others. New slideshows are added frequently. You can search by category on the right side of the site.
Deep Sea Images from Okeanos
NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer, “America’s Ship for Ocean Exploration,” is on a course to be the only U.S. ship assigned to systematically explore our largely unknown ocean for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge. Telepresence External Link, using real-time broadband satellite communications, will connect the ship and its discoveries, live with audiences ashore.