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Dreamworks Games
This site is sponsred by Dreamworks company has educational games based on themes and characters of Dreamworks movies such as Spirit, Shrek, And Chicken Run.
Magnetic Poetry for Kids
Play with these online poetry kits to write stories and poetry.
Educational games offered by FunBrain.
Logical Chess
Beginner's Chess Page - The Rules of Chess in summary is a good place to start. Chess has a language all its own. You have to know how to read and write chess notation if you want to know what the great minds of chess have to say. Tactics cannot be over emphasized. Includes lessons in the end game and pawn basics.
A+ Math Games
Alice in Wonderland: an Inactive Adventure
Welcome to Wonderland! Here you will enjoy activities with Alice and her Wonderland friends! Lewis Carroll's two Alice Books, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, have been my favorites since I was a child.
Beat the Dictionary
Are you a word expert? Play the game and see if you can beat the Dictionary."
Ghosts in the Castle (National Geographic for Kids)
Greetings traveler. Before you looms a stone castle, built in Britain during the 1300s. ... Castle life endured for centuries until gunpowder overpowered armor and stone. Now we know castles only as museums or ruins. But, as you'll see, castle dwellers still haunt these halls. As you explore, click on them to learn their secrets. Poke around on your own too; each room holds surprises."
LEGOs The King's Castle
KidsCom Games
Come here to play games, get craft ideas, send a cyber postcard, meet other kids online, learn about world holidays, write a story, or do lots of other fun activities.
Go and visit Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and the gang. Click on "Map" for games.
PBS Kids - games
Play games, read stories, listen to music and color with your favorite characters from hit PBS kids shows.
This site features a wide variety of educational-based games for kids. Puzzles, math, art, reading as well as a resource section for special needs children.
Arcade Village
A variety of games in different categories: Action Reflection; Arcade games; and Platform Games. Easy to use with good, simple explanations for each game.
Boulter's Tic-Tac-Toe
A cool game of tic-tac-toe in which you can expand the dimensions of the board to make the game more difficult. Starting the with usual 3 x 3, you can increase the number of rows and columns as well as the number in a row needed to win. You play against a computer (which is very good! ).
Over 100 pictures to be colored online or after printing. Color online by clicking on a color and then clicking on a spot within the picture. WARNING: there are many advertisements on the site.
Connect the dots
This link takes you to a connect-the-dot picture that changes each time you go to the site. However, if you click on More Connect-the-dot activities, you'll find over twenty other online versions, as well as a variety of connect-the-dot printables.
Darkfish Games
6 games that have been converted to online games: Five Filed Kono, Reversi, Checkers, Nim Skulls, Pentalpha, and Taxi. Instructions and clues are given for each game.
Cricklers are a new type of word puzzle. New puzzles are made available every day. The News Puzzle is based on current eventts. WordZap and Enigma are word puzzles that can become addictive after you learn how to play. Start with the easiest. This is a very challenging site.
Do an Etch-A-Sketch online! Use the arrow keys to draw.
Fisher-Price Fun
These games from Fisher-Price are for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. However, they also can be used to teach keyboarding skills. The games use images and toys from Fisher-Price products.
Challenging and addictive games and puzzles for you to play online in your web browser.